SAKE or Nihon-shu is not only a well tasting drink but also a part of the Japanese history. Once upon a time Sake was a beverage for Gods, today it´s a beverage for you and me.

SAKETest.com introduces to you this wonderful beverage from different angles. But there is only one way to really know sake, you have to taste yourself. Therefore I can only recommend; Find the taste that suits you best and then it’s just to enjoy.

Sake has always had a essential role in the Japanese history. Therefore the history of Nihon-shu or sake starts at a time when gods were worshipped in Japan. The god of sake was also the god of rice, growing and harvesting and the Japanese developed and refined sake for centuries their own brew as the Japanese archipelago was separated from the outside world.

We are very glad to have a sake sommelier, Mr Mats Bruzaeus, as advisor. With more than 20 years experience of Japan he is a connoisseur of sake.

Sake is a drink for the modern world, just like wine it is varied in style. You can enjoy sake at all times, to sushi, sashimi but also to different types of meat. Or why not just sit back and enjoy a zip of sake!

From 1973, when I first visited Japan, sake is a natural choice to celebrate at different occasions. Welcome to SakeTestT.com and the wonderful world of sake.

Ostra Grevie, Sweden in November 2011.

Leif Almo
Hon. Consul General of Japan
Founder of SakeTest.com